What is the product/service about?

HERMES is an intelligent management and analysis platform for the Smart Grid. HERMES has set a new cutting-edge technology standpoint building on Al algorithms to ensure Energy Efficiency Management and Anti-Fraud while also providing Big Data-enhanced Energy Policy Management, harnessing Smart Grid interoperability and governance.

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Where did the project idea come from?

FRAGATA is our innovative idea for tackling the energy fraud in Colombia. Colombian DSOs gather data from the consumers that is very valuable to detect fraud,all this data with the current deployment of the Smart Grid in Colombia generates a perfect environment to use Artificial Intelligence techniques that enable the automatic recognition of fraud patterns.Nimbeo has a relevant expertise on the four pillars that support this idea: Smart Grid, Anti-fraud systems, Artificial Intelligence,and Big Data analysis.

Why did you select that specific target country?

Colombia is the fourth largest economy in LATAM which has experimented an impressive growth over the last 10 years. In Colombia, Metering is slowly but surely taking off, with plans announced by Colombia’s Ministry of Energy of at least 95% of urban users being reached as target market. This becomes a golden opportunity for Smart Grid consulting/service providers such as Nimbeo.

Who are your partners in the target country?

Vertebra will be a technology partner of Nimbeo.Vertebra will be the expert that guides Nimbeo in the analysis and research of the electricity market in Colombia due to its proximity with utilities with which it works. The Vertebra contacts will help introduce FRAGATA to the Colombian market.

What is your long term vision for your company working in your chosen partner country?

We expect that Nimbeo will be positioned as a main reference within the Smart Grid sector.

What impact do you believe INNOWWIDE will have on your company?

INNOWWIDE has made possible an accurate assessment of the potential of the business opportunity and it means a strong foundation for success in the Colombian market.

Can you offer any advice or guidance to others looking to apply for INNOWWIDE grants?

Go for it! It is an incredible opportunity to expand your business and bring your idea to a new level.

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