
‘Get Ready for Japan’ Mission by the EU-Japan Centre for Industrial Cooperation

The EU-Japan Centre for Industrial Cooperation is organising a 2-week mission to Japan to get an in-depth understanding of how to do business in the country. It offers EU managers the unique opportunity to experience and understand both the cultural and economic elements which define and explain Japan’s business and technological achievements. Continuously improved to meet the latest expectations about business in Japan, the Get Ready for Japan provides EU businessmen with a professional Japan-related expertise.

The purpose of the mission in Japan is:

– to acquire a broad understanding of the Japanese business environment, business practices and Japanese-style personal communications in order to find ways to do successful business through a partner relationship;
– to become aware of the decision-making process inside Japanese companies and therefore gain a better understanding of their negotiation style and hierarchy;
– to give the opportunity to reinforce relationships with current Japanese customers and facilitate contacts with future ones.

The participants in this programme can be Start-Up’s or SME’s that are already working or intend to develop their business relations with Japan. The eligibility criteria and the selection process can be analysed on the mission’s website page.

All information is available here:

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