
INNOWWIDE: European INNOvative business solutions in WorldWIDE markets – Final Event

Paving the way for European SMEs to go global

The INNOWWIDE consortium is organizing this final event to present and highlight the INNOWWIDE programme scope, goals, results, achievements and impact in terms of efficiency (appropriateness of the instrument) and effectiveness (actual collaborative product & market development) and set the basis for future work in this field.  

This final event will provide evidence of the high leverage effects of the INNOWWIDE programme and its related Viability Assessment Projects (VAP) instrument to a wide range of stakeholders interested in SME innovation internationalization programmes. If you are one of them, please don’t hesitate to join us on July 7th.

Event date: July 7th, 2021 10:00 – 12:30 CET

Registration link: https://zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_RVsZs-jmT_GbbOb2_pdLLw


Global Innovation Summit 2021

Welcome to

#GIS2021 – Global Innovation Summit 2021

Exploring new perspectives

In a changing world, the brave take the path of uncertainty to explore, innovate and create. Their journey goes onwards and upwards, as ideas grow and evolve and challenges change perspectives, processes and principles.

  • Are you in the business of innovation?
  • Are you looking to collaborate globally?
  • Are you at the scale up point in your business cycle?

Be part of something bigger!

18 – 20 May 2021 – Meet like-minded people, meet people you want to learn from!

During the Austrian Eureka Chairmanship 2020-2021, the Styrian Business Promotion Agency (SFG) and the Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG) are joining forces to organise the “Global Innovation Summit 2021”. B2B meetings are brought to you by Enterprise Europe Network. Many national and international organisations, companies and clusters are supporting the themes of the conference and organising engaging sessions on both 18 and 19 May.
The Global Innovation Summit is an international meeting place for businesses and innovators to share and exchange knowledge, to network, to collaborate and secure future business growth opportunities. Businesses from across the globe will come together and share their distinctive insights and collaborative solutions. International speakers will tell their exciting stories, share the growth and journey of their ideas and innovations. You will be networking in your own field of interest and expertise. Participation is free of charge.

Main Topics

Green Transition

The Green Deal as an economic, ecological and social transformation process is one of the centre pieces of political discourse at both international and national levels. One objective of the summit is to support the innovative developments towards green transition and the associated importance of the role of research and innovation programmes.


The reconstruction of the economy and international cooperation after the Corona crisis will play an important role in 2021. The summit’s goal is to take stock of the situation one year after the outbreak of the Corona crisis and to reflect on the resulting consequences for the European and international economic and RTI system.

Digital Transformation

Digital Transition and its impact is another priority of this year’s summit. Here we seek to promote networking among innovative international SMEs and global companies from the Eureka network during a structured exchange of innovative ideas with regard to digital and sustainable development goals.

Participation is free of charge

Due to the current situation we are planning a virtual event with limited on-site attendance for speakers, panelists and interview partners and organisational/technical staff only. Unfortunately we have to insist on virtual attendance for all other participants. Our approved COV-19 security concept will provide all the necessary security measures for our on-site speakers, panelists and interview partners and other people working at the event.   

For more information on #GIS2021, its speakers and a more detailed agenda please visit https://www.gis2021.com/ or have a look here https://gis2021.b2match.io/age…

To add sessions to you personal agenda you need to log in or register. 


Webinar: European SMEs on the road to India: Intellectual property and business challenges

Innovative SMEs going international face substantial challenges and the Indian legal and business landscape is not an exception. INNOWWIDE and the India IP SME Helpdesk have joined forces with the Business Support to the EU–India Policy Dialogues and EU-India Clean Energy and Climate Partnership initiatives.


In this webinar, we aim to offer EU SMEs an overview of Intellectual Property and business challenges, as well as tools which can help to overcome them.

  • Welcome by INNOWWIDE
    Chiara Davalli – INNOWWIDE, Senior Project Leader
  • Protecting Innovation in India: patents, designs and trade secrets
    Vicente Zafrilla Díaz-Marta – University of Alicante, IP Expert
    Hana Onderková – EBTC Delhi, IP Expert
  • Opportunities & Challenges: EU support to businesses operating in India
    Joel Fernandes – Business Support to the EU–India Policy Dialogues and EU-India Clean Energy and Climate Partnership, Project Lead Europe


Should you have any question, please email us. You will receive a reply from one of the Helpdesk experts within three working days.

About our webinars

Did you miss our webinars? No worries! You can check all our past events and see what’s coming next here. And if you want to be informed on the forthcoming events, please subscribe to our newsletter.

Additionally, if you would like to have a webinar on a specific topic that may be of help for your SME, do not hesitate to contact us. Your opinion and suggestions are very important to us!

PERSONAL DATA: The India IP SME Helpdesk is very committed to protecting its users’ privacy and personal data. All data entered upon registration will be used only to provide you with the requested services and statistical purposes and is managed in conformity with Regulation (EC) No 2018/1725. The data will be processed by the coordinator of the Helpdesk – Universidad de Alicante – and the data controller is Head of Unit A.1 COSME, representing the Executive Agency for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (EASME), which acts under the powers delegated by the European Commission. Should you have any queries on the processing of your personal data, please address them to the data controller at: EASMECOSMEIPCALLS@ec.europa.eu

Event date: Thursday, March 18th 2021 – 9:00 AM (WET)

Registration: Register now


Webinar: Intellectual Property in Latin America in the cleantech sector: a look on how to identify your IP and exploit your creations

Renewable Energies have experienced a relevant increase within the last two decades and Latin America countries are placing great expectation in non-conventional energy sources at short, medium and long term. In fact, EU SMEs interested in these industries have in Brazil, Mexico or Colombia some of their main destination countries, as the Latin American countries represents a huge market full of potential clients for EU companies that are willing to go international.

In this regard, Intellectual Property is a powerful tool to benefit from your company’s intangible assets. In fact, compared to tangible assets, intangible assets protected by Intellectual Property Rights (IPRs) offer a wider range of options when it comes to exploitation. Besides the manufacture and commercialisation of the product or services, owners may choose other means to profit from their creations.

Join the Latin America IP SME Helpdesk, Innowwide and Enrich in LAC if you want to learn more about the main IPR needed to succeed in the cleantech sector, the advantages and possibilities derived from a right management of your IP Rights in Chile, Mexico, Peru, Colombia and Argentina; and how can you benefit from the European innovation & business network in Latin America and the Caribbean, as well as what can these initiatives do to assist you.

EU SMEs interested in knowing more about IP exploitation and its particularities in these countries will have the chance to have a view on the following main questions:

  • Main aspects to start exploiting your creations safely (IPR to bear in mind)
  • Costs for IPR registration
  • Exploitation strategies and additional benefits of an IP portfolio
  • Most relevant IP exploitation regimes: from licenses to subsidiaries
  • Particularities of Latin American countries
  • Main IP clauses to include in license agreements

Moreover, any queries that the EU companies might have, shall be answered by the experts during the training session.

More information

Registration: Register now


Webinars: INNOWWIDE -Finance for collaboration projects outside the EU

The Netherlands Enterprise Agency (RVO) (one of INNOWWIDE’s project partners) is organizing a set of two webinars to present INNOWWIDE’s funding opportunity! We invite innovative SMEs and interested parties from EU and associated countries to join this webinar.

What will you learn during the session:

  • Background information about INNOWWIDE
  • The kind of projects that fit within INNOWWIDE
  • Partners you can collaborate with
  • The application process

These webinars will provide you with information so you can make the right decision whether INNOWWIDE is the right tool for you!

The webinar is open for 1000 participants and is English spoken.

The Webinars will take place on March 10th and 11th, both from 4:00 to 5:00 PM CET

The registration links are below:


Webinar: Innovation and Internationalization funding opportunities for European SMEs

Join us to discover funding and networking opportunities for European SMEs looking to innovate and promote their business internationally.

On Friday, 13th March 2020, 11:00 CET OI2Lab – the European Open Innovation Platform of INVITE project – will host five highly innovative European Projects offering services and financial supports to European SMEs. If you are a dynamic SMEs or start-up located in Europe, make sure to not miss this webinar as it will present incredible opportunities for you. In just one hour, in fact, we will present more than 14 Million € worth of financial support offered by the projects INVITE, SmartX, INNOWWIDE, Ket4Clean Production and PARSEC Accelerator.

Each of these projects targets specific areas of interests and has its specific goals, so make sure to join the webinar to find out more about them and to understand how to boost your innovation and internationalisation with the support of European-funded projects.

The participation to the webinar is free of charge.

To join the webinar simply register on OI2Lab – https://oi2lab.com/elearning/topic/38 – and click on the webinar section.


INNOWWIDE InfoDay in Porto, Portugal

Event Details:

Event Description:

On February 27th, SPI will organise the second Portuguese InfoDay of the INNOWWIDE project, in order to present the 2nd INNOWWIDE VAP call that opened on January 15th 2020.  This funding opportunity, that aims to bring European highly innovative SMEs to the forefront of international market, is open for applications until March 31st.

The objective is to fund each approved VAP with a fixed grant amount of €60,000, representing a maximum of 70% of total eligible costs (staff, consumables, equipment, subcontracting, others) which must be a minimum of €86,000. A total of 70 projects will receive funding.

If you are an innovative SME with the ambition to develop a new and innovative product-market combination (or process or service) with a strategic counterpart outside Europe; or if you need to first check the technical, commercial, legal and socio-economic feasibility of your innovative idea, the VAP instrument supported by the INNOWWIDE CSA can be the solution!

The session will provide practical information for SMEs about the 2nd INNOWWIDE VAP call, including details about eligibility, application process and submission. Participants will learn about the scope of INNOWWIDE, the financing opportunity provided and how to apply for it.

Target Audience:

Portuguese SMEs, Business Support Organisations, Networks, Business Angels

Tentative Agenda (Portuguese time):

  • 09:00 – 09.30 > Registration
  • 09:30 – 09:45 > Introduction
  • 09:45 – 10:00 > INNOWWIDE Project
  • 10:00 – 10:45 > Funding Opportunities
  • 10:45 – 11:30 > Website and submission platform presentation
  • 11:30 > Closing

Webinar: Leveraging available EU funding schemes to attract and cooperate with EU companies – ENRICH in Brazil & INNOWWIDE

European SMEs can access different internationalisation funding schemes made available at regional, national and European level to scout and enter new markets outside Europe.

This webinar, organised by ENRICH in Brazil in collaboration with INNOWWIDE, aims at presenting an available funding opportunity for EU SMEs interested in the Brazilian RDI ecosystem and the way Brazilian RDI actors can leverage this scheme to attract and cooperate with European companies.

On January 15th, 2020, the INNOWWIDE project (www.innowwide.eu) launched its 2nd call for Viability Assessment Projects which will grant 60000€ to 70 European SMEs to assess viability of their services/products in third countries outside EU. The grant is aimed at allowing EU SMEs to work with trusted partners in the targeted country to run their VAP.

In this framework, the importance of trusted partners is clearly high. ENRICH in BR can introduce EU companies interested in the Brazilian market to the right local stakeholders. ENRICH Soft Landing Hubs and ENRICH partners are definitely well positioned to act as “broker”.

During this session concrete experiences of Business Support Organisations in non-EU countries and successful companies from the first INNOWWIDE call for VAPs will be presented.

Global Business Inroad (GBI), an Indian centre specialised in supporting EU tech, innovation and research in India, will present their experience with the 1st INNOWWIDE call for VAPs, as they managed to leverage this scheme to attract EU companies to their centre and connect them to Indian RDI players.

A EU SME will tell about their specific project with Brazil and will tell about the most relevant support an EU SME could receive when approaching the Brazilian market.


  • 14.00-14.05 ENRICH in BR intro
  • 14.05-14.20 The Innowwide funding scheme – Chiara Davalli, European BIC Network
  • 14.20-14.30 The experience of an intermediary organisation – Leena Pishee Thomas, Global Business Inroads
  • 14.30-14.40 A success story from the 1st VAP beneficiary -TBC
  • 14.40-14.45 Q&A – Chiara Davalli, European BIC Network
INNOWWIDE - Webinar 11 Feb 2020

Webinar: Introduction to the 2nd INNOWWIDE call for Viability Assessment Projects

Event Details:

Event Description:

On February 11, EBN organises a webinar to present the 2nd INNOWWIDE call for Viability Assessment Projects, a funding opportunity providing European SMEs with a head start in target markets outside Europe.

The INNOWWIDE programme helps innovative SME gain access to new international markets by funding viability assessment projects to be deployed in cooperation with local stakeholders around the world.

The INNOWWIDE 2nd Call for applications for the VAPs – Viability Assessment Projects – just opened on January 15th and will close on March 31st. The budget available for the 2nd Call is €4.2M (to be divided approximately one third per target country group).

Each approved VAP will receive a fixed grant amount of €60,000, representing a maximum of 70% of total eligible costs (staff, consumables, equipment, subcontracting, others) which must be a minimum of €86,000.

The webinar will provide practical information for SMEs in Europe and potential R&I partners in third countries about the INNOWWIDE open call: participants will learn about the scope of INNOWWIDE and how to apply for it.

Moreover, the webinar aims to connect with Business Support Organisations and programmes interested in further disseminating this opportunity with their networks, and able to introduce EU SMEs to potential partners in target countries.

Target Audience:

European SMEs, EBN members, EUBICs, Business Support Organisations, Networks, EU funded initiatives outside the EU

Moderators and Speakers:

  • Chiara Davalli, EBN
  • Peter Lalvani, EUREKA Network

Tentative Agenda (CET):

  • 14.30-14.40 > Introduction about INNOWWIDE and the webinar > Chiara Davalli, EBN
  • 14:40-15:00 > INNOWWIDE call for VAPs > Peter Lalvani, EUREKA Network
  • 15:00-15:10 > Connecting ecosystems: supporting EU SMEs finding the right partners > Chiara Davalli, EBN
  • 15.10-15.30 > Q&A + closing remarks

INNOWWIDE - WebinarFeb2020

Webinar: INNOWWIDE 2nd VAP Call and how to connect to the Chinese market

Event Details:

Event Description:

INNOWWIDE, in partnership with the ENRICH in China Centre ( http://www.china.enrichcentres.eu/ ), is organizing a webinar, taking place on February 10th at 11:00am CET, that will provide practical information for SMEs in Europe and in China, and about the 2nd INNOWWIDE VAP (Viability Assessment Project) call, which opened on January 15th 2020.

Participants will learn about the scope of the INNOWWIDE VAP Calls and how to apply for it. This webinar will also provide an opportunity for European SMEs to find ways to connect with Chinese counterparts that can be included as subcontractors on their VAP applications.

Tentative Agenda:

  • Introduction to the INNOWWIDE project
  • 2nd Call for VAPs – How to Apply
  • ENRICH in China – a platform to support finding your Chinese partner