IoT Microturbine: enabling off-grid IoT applications and data-driven management of gas networks in Peru (AMT)

Our Microturbine for energy harvesting in gas pipelines (AMT) is an innovative self-powered gas management system that simultaneously enables continuous remote monitoring and efficient pressure management of gas networks through data-driven decisions. The core of the technology is a novel patented, highly miniaturised microturbine (coin-sized), designed to be introduced into gas distribution pipelines, taking advantage of any existing pressure drop in the system to generate electricity in off-grid contexts (e.g. remote areas). It harvests the available energy for free, with no emissions or burning of fuel.
Our patented Microturbine has been designed to self-sufficiently and reliably power monitoring and control apparatus that help detect and reduce leaks in gas pipes and ultimately assure gas pipeline infrastructure functionality.


ARGO 1.0 is an innovative Multicamera Star Tracker targeting minisats. Its value proposition is the capability to guarantee high accuracy, robustness and flexibility, including a smart in-flight autocalibration of both camera model and camera relative attitude, with a price affordable for the SmallSats market. With respect to other star trackers, ARGO improves the attitude measurement accuracy, the admissible working conditions and the system robustness and autonomy, it simplifies hardware requirements and opens the way for gyroless and single sensor AOCS concepts.
The main ARGO innovation and advantages are here below summarized.
1. Maximum Sky Coverage. The cameras can be installed wherever on the vehicle it is more convenient for obtaining a good sky coverage, which are even very far away from each other.
2. High accuracy & Robustness over time. Since both camera calibration model parameters and camera relative attitude are measured and continuously updated on board, it does not hold anymore the requirement that the above parameters have to be strictly invariant and stable for the whole star tracker life.
3. Flexibility/ Easiness of installation. Only a camera – to be defined as Master Camera – will have to be mounted connected in rigid and time invariant way with the payload, the attitude of which one wants to measure. The attitude of each other cameras is measured with respect to Master Camera and continuously on board updated. Then, all the other cameras can be mounted without having to comply with any special rigidity and invariability constraints of their attitude with respect to the payload.


At Innomaq21, we have developed a disruptive industrial technique to produce high performance metal powders specially designed for the specific parameters required for metal additive manufacturing (MAM) of high-end components for the transport industry. Our metal powders have superior physicochemical characteristics that enable the fabrication of high performant metal printed components with reduced weight and improved thermo-mechanical properties.

Biometric Digital Solution for a universal secure handwriting signature

The objective of the present VAP is to demonstrate the technical and commercial feasibility of a biometric signature solution to work as a signature and trust service for the verification of signed documents. The proposed solution will guarantee an optimized level of informatic security during the process. The main outcome to be achieve within the present project will be the deployment and assessment of a Viafirma Documents in Dominican Republic.