
Webinar: European SMEs on the road to India: Intellectual property and business challenges

Innovative SMEs going international face substantial challenges and the Indian legal and business landscape is not an exception. INNOWWIDE and the India IP SME Helpdesk have joined forces with the Business Support to the EU–India Policy Dialogues and EU-India Clean Energy and Climate Partnership initiatives.


In this webinar, we aim to offer EU SMEs an overview of Intellectual Property and business challenges, as well as tools which can help to overcome them.

  • Welcome by INNOWWIDE
    Chiara Davalli – INNOWWIDE, Senior Project Leader
  • Protecting Innovation in India: patents, designs and trade secrets
    Vicente Zafrilla Díaz-Marta – University of Alicante, IP Expert
    Hana Onderková – EBTC Delhi, IP Expert
  • Opportunities & Challenges: EU support to businesses operating in India
    Joel Fernandes – Business Support to the EU–India Policy Dialogues and EU-India Clean Energy and Climate Partnership, Project Lead Europe


Should you have any question, please email us. You will receive a reply from one of the Helpdesk experts within three working days.

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PERSONAL DATA: The India IP SME Helpdesk is very committed to protecting its users’ privacy and personal data. All data entered upon registration will be used only to provide you with the requested services and statistical purposes and is managed in conformity with Regulation (EC) No 2018/1725. The data will be processed by the coordinator of the Helpdesk – Universidad de Alicante – and the data controller is Head of Unit A.1 COSME, representing the Executive Agency for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (EASME), which acts under the powers delegated by the European Commission. Should you have any queries on the processing of your personal data, please address them to the data controller at:

Event date: Thursday, March 18th 2021 – 9:00 AM (WET)

Registration: Register now


Webinar: Intellectual Property in Latin America in the cleantech sector: a look on how to identify your IP and exploit your creations

Renewable Energies have experienced a relevant increase within the last two decades and Latin America countries are placing great expectation in non-conventional energy sources at short, medium and long term. In fact, EU SMEs interested in these industries have in Brazil, Mexico or Colombia some of their main destination countries, as the Latin American countries represents a huge market full of potential clients for EU companies that are willing to go international.

In this regard, Intellectual Property is a powerful tool to benefit from your company’s intangible assets. In fact, compared to tangible assets, intangible assets protected by Intellectual Property Rights (IPRs) offer a wider range of options when it comes to exploitation. Besides the manufacture and commercialisation of the product or services, owners may choose other means to profit from their creations.

Join the Latin America IP SME Helpdesk, Innowwide and Enrich in LAC if you want to learn more about the main IPR needed to succeed in the cleantech sector, the advantages and possibilities derived from a right management of your IP Rights in Chile, Mexico, Peru, Colombia and Argentina; and how can you benefit from the European innovation & business network in Latin America and the Caribbean, as well as what can these initiatives do to assist you.

EU SMEs interested in knowing more about IP exploitation and its particularities in these countries will have the chance to have a view on the following main questions:

  • Main aspects to start exploiting your creations safely (IPR to bear in mind)
  • Costs for IPR registration
  • Exploitation strategies and additional benefits of an IP portfolio
  • Most relevant IP exploitation regimes: from licenses to subsidiaries
  • Particularities of Latin American countries
  • Main IP clauses to include in license agreements

Moreover, any queries that the EU companies might have, shall be answered by the experts during the training session.

More information

Registration: Register now