
INNOWWIDE presented at MedaWeek Barcelona

CTA (INNOWWIDE project partner), represent by their Communication Officer Marisol Castro, participated on November 20th 2019 in the New Africa Business Development Forum framed in the International Congress MedaWeek Barcelona 2019, to present the INNOWWIDE second call for projects, that will be launched in the beginning of 2020.

The congress has taken place at the Casa Llotja de Mar in Barcelona and has been organised by the Association of the Mediterranean Chambers of Commerce and Industry (ASCAME).

The INNOWWIDE project will open a new call for Viability Assesment Projects (VAPs) in the first quarter of next year, aimed at European SMEs interested in developing new  and innovative business based on technological cooperation in markets outside the European Union (EU). The second call has a budget of 4.2 million euros and will finance 70 innovative SMEs, with a flat-rate aid of 60,000 euros per VAP.

The MedaWeek Barcelona (Mediterranean Week of Economic Leaders) is nowadays an iconic conference dedicated to promoting the Mediterranean region worldwide. This event endorsed the key economic sectors and the cultural values of the region through a wide variety of forums.


INNOWWIDE CALL 1: The 50 winners of the 1st Call for VAPs have been selected for a total of €3m in EU funding

50 Viability Assessment Projects (VAPs) have been selected for funding in INNOWWIDE’s 1st Call for VAPs, from a total of 379 applications.

Each six-month project will receive €60,000 in funding for innovative collaborations between SMEs from EU and associated countries alongside local partners in target countries.

The target country with highest number of grants awarded was the USA, with 13 of the 50 funded VAPs. Besides the USA, awards were spread among 21 countries worldwide, from every continent. The home country with the highest number of granted VAPs was Spain, a total of 20 project applicants.

Regarding the target countries’ categories, there was a balanced distribution between developed countries and developing countries, with 19 projects awarded to each category. The remaining 12 projects will take place in the group of emerging economies.

The majority of the projects that succeeded were focused on developing technologies in the area of electronics, IT and telecoms. In relation to market sectors, Energy, Agriculture and Environment will see the most VAPs from this call.

A list with the granted projects from the 1st VAP Call will soon be shared in the project website for consultation.

The 2nd INNOWWIDE call will aim to fund 70 projects, with a total of €4.2m in EU funding. To keep up to date on the opening of the next call (early 2020), subscribe to the INNOWWIDE newsletter at

ABOUT INNOWWIDE: This EU Horizon 2020 pilot programme is bringing innovative European SMEs to the forefront of international markets, providing financial support for viability assessments in cooperation with stakeholders outside of Europe. INNOWWIDE creates the conditions to increase uptake of European innovative solutions outside of Europe. The two INNOWWIDE calls have a combined budget of 7.2 million EUR, which translates into 120 viability assessments at 60 000 EUR each. INNOWWIDE targets markets in developing countries; large emerging economies (Brazil, Russia, India, China, Mexico) and developed countries.


INNOWWIDE interview to “CyberForum”

Faith Blakemore, from Steinbeis (INNOWWIDE project partner), gave a short interview to CyberForum, a non-profit organization that supports businesses from the IT and high-tech industry, located in Karlsruhe, Germany.

In this video, you can get to know more about the INNOWWIDE project and how the process of application to the VAPs works.