CTA (INNOWWIDE project partner), represent by their Communication Officer Marisol Castro, participated on November 20th 2019 in the New Africa Business Development Forum framed in the International Congress MedaWeek Barcelona 2019, to present the INNOWWIDE second call for projects, that will be launched in the beginning of 2020.
The congress has taken place at the Casa Llotja de Mar in Barcelona and has been organised by the Association of the Mediterranean Chambers of Commerce and Industry (ASCAME).
The INNOWWIDE project will open a new call for Viability Assesment Projects (VAPs) in the first quarter of next year, aimed at European SMEs interested in developing new and innovative business based on technological cooperation in markets outside the European Union (EU). The second call has a budget of 4.2 million euros and will finance 70 innovative SMEs, with a flat-rate aid of 60,000 euros per VAP.
The MedaWeek Barcelona (Mediterranean Week of Economic Leaders) is nowadays an iconic conference dedicated to promoting the Mediterranean region worldwide. This event endorsed the key economic sectors and the cultural values of the region through a wide variety of forums.