
Info Session: SME Opportunities for Global Markets

INNOWWIDE Info session at Eureka Global Innovation Summit 2019

Event Details:

Event Description:

This Workshop, happening on May 15th in Manchester at the EUREKA Global Innovation Summit, aims at presenting the funding and networking opportunities the INNOWWIDE project offers to European SMEs.
The focus is on the open Call for VAPs enabling European companies (if successful) to receive 60.000€ grants to explore international markets outside Europe.
The INNOWWIDE Secretariat will present call’s details, requirements, processes and deadline. Moreover, the session will highlight the partnering opportunities the INNOWWIDE programme offers to companies who are looking for partners in third countries (INNOWWIDE matchmaking tool).
CUBE IN programme will give a few tips on the importance of managing the cultural differences European entrepreneurs face when approaching a new market.
The workshop will then see the participation of international platforms that can support European applicants getting connected to Indian, Brazilian, Chinese and US partners. The ENRICH Centres and the EU-India Platform programmes will outline their networks and services and how they can support EU companies accessing these markets.

Target Audience:
European SMEs

Moderators and Speakers:

  • David Regedzi, CUBE IN
  • Clarelisa Camilleri, European Business and Innovation Centre Network (EBN)
  • Leena Pishe Thomas, Global Business Inroads

Tentative Agenda (CET TIME)

  • 10:00-10:20 > INNOWWIDE call for VAPs > rules, deadlines and tips, Niki Naska, Eureka Network
  • 10:20-10:30 > Managing cultural differences when approaching a new market, David Regedzi, CUBE IN
  • 10:30-10:40 > Get connected with China, USA and Brazil with ENRICH Centres, Clarelisa Camilleri, European BIC Network
  • 10:40- 10:50 > EU-India Innovation Partnership, Lena Pishee Thomas, Global Business Inroads
  • 10:50-11:00 > Q&A and conclusions

*Please note that information about speakers and agenda may be submitted to slight changes until the date of the event


Webinar: Granting Scheme for European SMEs Approaching International Markets

EBN, one of the INNOWWIDE project partners, is organising a webinar on April 9th at 14h30 CET to present our brand-new funding opportunity providing European SMEs with a head start in target markets outside Europe.

During the webinar, participants will be provided with practical information for SMEs in Europe and potential R&I partners in third countries about the first INNOWWIDE call, which opens on 1 April 2019.


– When: Tuesday, 9 April 2019, 14.30 -15.45 CET

 Registration Link:  https://register.gotowebinar.com/register/4838840020627485441


Webinar: Call for Viability Assessment Projects

INNOWWIDE, in partnership with the ENRICH in Brazil Centre, is organizing a webinar, taking place on March 26th at 15.00 CET, that will provide practical information for SMEs in Europe, and particularly in Brazil, about the first INNOWWIDE call, which opens on 1 April 2019. Participants will learn about the scope of INNOWWIDE and how to apply for it.


– When: Tuesday, 26 March 2019, 15.00 -16.00 CET

Registration Link: https://bit.ly/2Td8zvQ  

– Tentative Agenda: 

  • Introduction to ENRICH in Brazil
  • Introduction to Innowwide project
  • Calls for Viability Assessment Project (VAPs)